Wednesday, 25 September 2013

25 September 2013

tHiNk! tHiNk! tHiNk!
Put on your ...

Today, our Maths lesson were based on thinking skills. I can see that we covered on numbers and fractions. We had quiz too! But the timing was too fast! We had some hands on games. These hands on are more to problem solving. Dr. Yeap would like to know how are we able to create methods to solve 1 particular Maths problem.
Use 2 digits to make 2 digit number..
Dr Yeap gave us some small pieces of papers. We have to cut them equally into 9 pieces and write the number on each square paper ( number 0 -9 ). Use 2 numbers add to 2 numbers that will equal to 2 numbers! But we can only use the numbers only ones. We were not allowed to take or borrow numbers from any of our friends.  
My first step was to write all the numbers on each small piece of paper. Second, I started to think of 2 numbers. And I have to choose another 2 numbers to be added to the previous number. I have to bear in mind that numbers have to be used once ONLY.
Next, I chose 2 numbers and I chose another 2 numbers. After adding it, I realized that I have to change the numbers as I'm going to use 6 for 2 times. It was a very good trial an error experiences. Now, I understand that children need to explore and to make mistakes as they will learn through mistakes and gained knowledge the right way to solve problem. From the pictures below, you can see the first trial that I made... There were many methods to do additions. The last one that I tried was to make bigger total number and I did it!

 Children need concrete materials for them to count and understand the concept. A true instructional designer, Bruner's work also suggests that a learner even of a very young age is capable of learning any material . Abacus is one of the top maths enrichment class, where children use the "abacus beads board" to understand the concept of calculating.  

The  beads represent the placing of the numbers. Example, 2 tens add 1 tens, 5 ones add 3 ones and so on. As we know that there are so many product (concrete materials) on counting.  Below, there are some pictures that we can support children by using these concrete materials.
Happy Counting!!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

24 September 2013

Today's class is not much of hands on, but more on thinking skills. It is good to teach children on how to think or create different methods for the children to understand, solving problems and to gain the answer. Not only to get the answers right, but to boost up the confident level of the children in the classroom. I believe with this kind of teaching strategies in the class, the children not only good in their social skills, we develop critical thinking children and not to forget a leadership role in a group. Different children has their own capability and intellectuality where we can't see the potential in them at times. It will only be seen once we seen them having group discussions and in group work.
We need to teach the children right. The RIGHT WAY of teaching that will create a RIGHT PATH for the children to continue in the journey of their life. My take away for today's lesson are the 3 strategies:
1) Explaining is not a good instruction method
2) I Do, you Do, we Do
3) Let the children be independent

Let the children gained some knowledge during their sharing ideas with their classmates. From the strategies that they made, it will develop experiences. I believe in one of Diene's theory strategies, "Play " should be their first time learning, let it be informal and accidental together with these 3 strategies, all of our children will be happy to be during Maths session!
Let's Count!
The word "counting" is just not getting the children to count and we take the answer from them. We have to let them understand and the method of getting the children to understand the value of the last number of the object that they count. One of the good strategies to make the children understand is by using concrete materials that they can hold, see and count.  Get them to understand that colour doesn't effect numbers. Colour is not an important thing. I can see that children are more fascinated on colours rather than their counting. We have to ensure that the children are in the right path, the right method. They will follow the method till they grow. We do not want it to be happened. Environment also support the children. You can check onto a video on how a young child learn how to count in different ways method of teaching that were facilitated by both parents via YouTube.

Parenting Pointer: Teach your young child to count
Children love to be able to count to ten as they sing songs or read books with numbers. However, they may not realize that each number has a value, and stands for a specific quantity of something. We will help you be your child's first math teacher, as you provide the foundation for early math skills your child will need for school success.

 Count Down By One or Two.. Get to Zero!!
The next lesson is the fun way of learning subtractions. There are 18 beans altogether and we need to count backwards by subtracting in 2's or 1's. The last person who says Zero is the winner.
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When we started playing with it, we are able to know that there are many methods to aim for zero. First we started only with 2s and 1s. But after some trials, we started getting excited and to challenged ourselves, we continue with 1s, 2s and 3s. The number 5 and 6 is always a BAD number where it can make you or your opponent win!
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, sounds bored?? Oh Not anymore!!
They are many ways to understand all the equations. The various methods that we learnt are the ones that doesn't make any of the equations tedious or stressful while solving it. When the teachers and parents having this experience in the classroom or at home. They will be given the opportunity to have their own methods to solve the problem. Dr  Yeap showed to us an interesting youtube about Jack and The Beanstalk. It was quite fun watching. Not only that, it shows the value of subtractions and additions. We had some hands on by folding the small rectangle paper and divide it into 10 parts. From here, we can see there are many methods at first we count the numbers of beans altogether, counting in 6s, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing the beans into parts.
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Will be having more FUN in Maths for the next class session!! 


23rd September 2013

Numbers ! Numbers! Numbers!

The session that I had in the classroom had made me into a different person, especially  my thinking on Maths concept. The days that I had during my days in Primary school was so different. Rote counting, practice over practice and memorizing. When I had class with Dr Yeap, it was very interesting and the most important is that I enjoyed the session very much. I believe that now, the method of teaching and guiding of Mathematics towards the children is so different. And if I enjoyed it, so do the children!

The experience that I had in the classroom, is about numbers. Dr. Yeap had made us do counting from number 1 to 99. From our names we are able to know which letter is number 99. The first time when I did by rote counting. But after getting to know that there are many methods on how to get to know the answer. The methods showed how are we able to solve problems and also on critical thinking.  There were 5 methods for me and my classmates to get the answer. When Dr. Yeap gave the second question, I still continue to my first method, the rote counting. In my heart, I have to be confident and try another different method from what Dr. Yeap had shown to us. I tried and I DID IT!

Let's Play with Tangrams !

The second experience was on tangrams!! I love hands on!! Trying our best to use all the 7 tangrams to make rectangles and squares using the same number of difference sizes and shapes.  There were many methods to make the squares and rectangles. Trial an error , experiences and discussions we did the most to get the result.  Yes! We made it!

Magic Cards!!
I had a lot of fun, doing this in the class. The methods that we used, trial an error, discussions, writing the numbers and placing of the cards. We made it!! And I feel that it is a great achievement. And one of the most important key word that I can think of during this activity is... PERSEVERANCE!!
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Enjoy and have fun with Maths!!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Chapter 1 and 2

“…All students should have the opportunity and the support necessary to learn significant mathematics with depth and understanding”.  NCTM (2000, p.50)

I believe children need to be given opportunity and the necessary support from home and school. Now in 21st Century, the system has changed and high expectation has been shown but learning in different way. Now it will be more to fun in learning. We can see the potential of the children in upcoming years. Learning in 21st Century, is no longer hurrying children to many topics, we need to ensure that the children are able to understand the topic in depth, focus and show more connection in their life. These are the 6 principles that we have to look at;

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-      <!--[endif]-->Principle of Equity

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-      <!--[endif]-->Principle of Curriculum

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-      <!--[endif]-->Principle of Teaching

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-      <!--[endif]-->Principle of Learning

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-      <!--[endif]-->Principle of Technology

If we follow these 6 principles, the children will be definitely being supported by the by the teachers in school and also parents at home. Different children have different needs. They have their different ways of learning. We have to respect and to be fair to them during learning process take place.  Teachers and parents should treat them fairly and do not underestimate or judge them during their learning. Learn Mathematics in a fun way; let the children learn through exploration, experimenting and understanding. Children now learning via technology, this is to enhance understanding. We have to give them the opportunity by using some technology device to make it more interesting and fun way on mathematical problem solving. The teachers should be equipped with knowledge and confident during delivery of the lesson. Not to forget the assessment and observations that will be ongoing in the process of the children’s learning. From the processes and the observations, teachers and parents will able to see the children’s progressions. From here, the teachers and parents are able to identify how to support the children. It will be good to create an inviting environment that supports the children’s learning, this allow children’s engagement; critical thinking, exploration and opportunity for the children to understand in depth of the topics that they are learning in the classroom. We are also developing active thinking children. Children will love to learn in this way.

Let’s have FUN with Maths !       
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