Tuesday, 24 September 2013

23rd September 2013

Numbers ! Numbers! Numbers!

The session that I had in the classroom had made me into a different person, especially  my thinking on Maths concept. The days that I had during my days in Primary school was so different. Rote counting, practice over practice and memorizing. When I had class with Dr Yeap, it was very interesting and the most important is that I enjoyed the session very much. I believe that now, the method of teaching and guiding of Mathematics towards the children is so different. And if I enjoyed it, so do the children!

The experience that I had in the classroom, is about numbers. Dr. Yeap had made us do counting from number 1 to 99. From our names we are able to know which letter is number 99. The first time when I did by rote counting. But after getting to know that there are many methods on how to get to know the answer. The methods showed how are we able to solve problems and also on critical thinking.  There were 5 methods for me and my classmates to get the answer. When Dr. Yeap gave the second question, I still continue to my first method, the rote counting. In my heart, I have to be confident and try another different method from what Dr. Yeap had shown to us. I tried and I DID IT!

Let's Play with Tangrams !

The second experience was on tangrams!! I love hands on!! Trying our best to use all the 7 tangrams to make rectangles and squares using the same number of difference sizes and shapes.  There were many methods to make the squares and rectangles. Trial an error , experiences and discussions we did the most to get the result.  Yes! We made it!

Magic Cards!!
I had a lot of fun, doing this in the class. The methods that we used, trial an error, discussions, writing the numbers and placing of the cards. We made it!! And I feel that it is a great achievement. And one of the most important key word that I can think of during this activity is... PERSEVERANCE!!
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Enjoy and have fun with Maths!!

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